Spurningar sem krefjast svara frá Ron Paul einn af forsetaframbjóðendum republicana


Ron Paul Asks McCain a ? @ Florida Repub.Debate Pt.4 1-24-08

Í raun er hann að spyrja spurninga sem við þurfum að spyrja okkar yfirvald og þeirra sem hampa Bush og ameríska leyniþjónustudrauminum. Af hverju þurfum við svona mikla vinnu frá okkar ríkisstjórn til að koma á fót áliðnaði þ.s. bandaríski herinn er einn af stærstu kaupendunum. Hver veit hvaða annar vopnaiðnaður kaupir ál frá Íslandi. Ég mynnist einungis á einn iðnað hér að ofna, og er olían, orkuiðnaðurinn, fjarskiptafyrirtæki, læknisþjónusta, lyfjaiðnaðurinn og fl.. undir einum heimsstefnuhatti. Við verðum að fá svör frá ríkisstjórninni sem þykist vera friðarsinnuð.

Carlyle Group á wikipedia


The Iron Triangle - The Carlyle Group Exposed - 48 min - Apr 12, 2006

Myndin er með hollenskum texta en viðtöl og annað er á ensku


Military-industrial complex

Cultural references

  • The concept of the military-industrial complex was heavily examined in the 2005 documentary Why We Fight.
  • President Dwight D. Eisenhower's farewell address is featured at the beginning of the 1991 film JFK.
  • The Eisenhower farewell address footage is used in a trailer for the video game Army of Two.
  • A select portion of the speech is included in the song End of Days (Part 2) by the band Ministry on their final studio album The Last Sucker.
  • The Rage Against The Machine song Bulls On Parade alludes to the military-industrial complex. (Weapons not food, not homes, not shoes...What we don't know keeps the contracts alive and moving)
  • Sci-fi movies & series Ghost in the Shell use the term frequently to describe the economic state of certain countries in their future setting. Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd GIG also portrays attempts to create a military-industrial complex in Japan by means of coup d'état.
  • The upcoming Konami Game Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots uses the concept of the Military Industrial Complex holding up the world's economy by the money made through constant fighting.
  • In the famous dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four it is explained that the endless wars fought in it were solely for economic reasons very like the military-industrial complex.



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