19.7.2008 | 23:53
Karl Rove þarf að svara til saka
Ég hef eitthvað bloggaðu um þetta mál áður og núna er að hitna á pönnunni sem hann Carl Rove hefur komið sér í. Hann hefur ítrekað hunsað allt í kring um réttarhöldin sem hann var boðaður á.
Meira um hann á malacai.blog.is
So far today, the following smart lefty outlets have claimed that Rove blew of HJC today based on executive privilege.
Karl Rove stood by his claim last week that he wouldn't be showing up to testify about anything to the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law, despite its subpoena, on the grounds of executive privilege.
Toady, Karl Rove was set to appear under subpoena before the House Judiciary Committee to discuss the politicization of the Justice Department. Yesterday, Roves lawyer wrote a letter declaring Rove would not testify, citing executive privilege:
Meira um þetta mál hjá www.sendkarlrovetojail.com
Flokkur: Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 23:55 | Facebook
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