9.7.2008 | 15:35
David Icke - Big Brother, the Big Picture (Hull, July 6th 2008)
David Icke - Big Brother, the Big Picture (Hull, July 6th 2008)
David Icke speaks to the constituents of Haltemprice and Howden about the 'Big Brother'
election, forced by the resignation of David Davis, and the move towards the global
Big Brother enslavement we are all facing.
Meira um David Icke á : www.davidicke.com
David Icke speaks to the constituents of Haltemprice and Howden about the 'Big Brother'
election, forced by the resignation of David Davis, and the move towards the global
Big Brother enslavement we are all facing.
Meira um David Icke á : www.davidicke.com
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