16.6.2008 | 08:32
Það styttist í handtöku Bush "forseta" og hans hyski
Robert Wexler...
Do you recognize the name?
He's one of the only US Congressmen who
regularly challenges the criminals in the
White House.
Articulate, focused, thorough...his message
is all but censored by the US news media.
Instead we hear endless nonsense about the
two zero candidates Obama and Clinton who have
already both pledged on bended knee at the recent
AIPAC convention to continue Israel's policy
of endless war in the Middle East.
Here's what a real representative of American
citizens looks and sounds like since you're
not likely to see him on TV:
Vincent Bugliosi has written three New York
Times #1 best sellers.
He has also had twenty-one successful murder
He believes beyond any shadow of a doubt
that George W. Bush can be, and should be,
indicted for the crime of murder for the
death of over 4,000 US servicemen.
In spite of his sterling reputation and
his undeniable success as an author no US
publisher would issue his book and he has
been largely ignored by the US news media.
Despite the news blackout, successfully
indicting Bush for murder is not a fantasy.
Find out why:
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