Ný opinberuð gögn frá FBI hjá 9/11 Timeline eftir Freedom Of Information Act beiðni

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Complete 911 Timeline

,,2/14/2008: Newly Released FBI Timeline Reveals New Information about 9/11 Hijackers that Was Ignored by 9/11 Commission"
,,A contributor to the History Commons has obtained a 298-page document entitled Hijackers Timeline (Redacted) from the FBI, subsequent to a Freedom of Information Act request. The document was a major source of information for the 9/11 Commission’s final report. Though the commission cited the timeline 52 times in its report, it failed to include some of the document’s most important material."
Greinin hjá www.cooperativeresearch.org

Unfortunately, neither the 9/11 Commission nor the 9/11 Congressional Inquiry was a complete and unbiased investigation. If this timeline reflects just some of what only the FBI knew about the hijackers one month after the attacks, one can only guess at how much more all the US agencies combined know about the hijackers now. Why is that information being kept secret?

FBI document:

FBI Hijackers Timeline, cover sheet, pages 1-105

FBI Hijackers Timeline, pages 106-210

FBI Hijackers Timeline, pages 211-297

FBI Hijackers Timeline, zip file of whole document

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