Stórar spurningar um siðferðiskennd hans Bush forseta

Í þessari klippu er verið að spyrja um réttmæti ákvarðana hans GW Bush í mannahrókeringum til að koma einum manni inn í hæstarétt Bandaríkjanna. Þetta er opin bók og er rosalega erfitt að líta fram hjá siðferðisblindunni sem hrjáir Bush stjórnina. Ef þetta er ekki fréttnæmt þá veit ég ekki hvað orðið fréttnæmt þíðir.

MSNBC host: Bush holding judges hostage to get 'torture memo' writer DoJ job

Hérna er partur úr fréttinni frá

,,President Bush has decided to withdraw 84 executive branch nominees, including federal judges, effectively making them pawns in his political ploy to get one "ultra-conservative" lawyer approved to the justice department. MSNBC host Dan Abrams called out the president, who already will be leaving a right-leaning judiciary as his most lasting legacy. "Steven Bradbury, the author of the secret memos that authorized torturing detainees, the man who decried that Harriet Miers did not have to testify about the fired U.S. attorneys scandal has been nominated to be assistant attorney general, in particular, a job that‘ is supposed to provide a political guidance on the legality of presidential actions," Abrams said Thusday night as part of his ongoing series, Bush League Justice. "According to Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, Congress refusal to confirm him, has lead the president to pull 84 of his nominees for positions in the executive, judicial branches including judges, an order that came from the President‘s Chief of Staff."

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